Monday, February 8, 2010

A hint of good things

Today, I saw one of the nicest things I've seen in a long time. I was doing some quick grocery shopping on my way home from school and I stopped off at the local store, Mr. Zol (Mr. Cheap), which should really be called Mr. Yakar (Mr. Expensive). The store was packed for a change, so I picked up the few things I needed quickly. After debating which busy line I should wait in, I picked cashier #3. I was impatiently waiting in line, while the elder lady in front of me paid for her items. Finally, it was my turn. Once she ringed up my purchases, I paid and started putting them in plastic bags. I noticed there were two boxes of pasta lying there and I wondered if the lady in front of me had forgotten to take them. I glanced back and saw the cashier was already in the middle of ringing up the next customer's things so I didn't want to bother her. I debated for a minute and then I told her (in Hebrew of course) that the woman left her pasta on the counter. She quickly stopped what she was doing, even though the line was so long, picked up the box and walked out the store yelling for the woman to pick up her pasta box. She walked to the end of the block to give it back to the woman, and then walked back into the store and continued helping that customer she had left behind. I looked at her and smiled and thought to myself that that small action means so much to people who have difficulty believing in the good of mankind.

Maybe I'm over-analyzing this, but maybe, just maybe, there are people who stop what they are doing and walk a block away to return a two dollar item to their owner. That woman will never know how her action affected me.

1 comment:

  1. Vicky. In a world where the violence is so present and individualism is so hard, we need to cultivate gardens of hope, islands of "shalom", to show to everyone the human being dignity and his divine likeness. I love your post at all.

    Enjoy HUJ.

    Igor Miguel (from Brazil).
